ASCA 2008 Nationals Las Vegas, NV.
A dream come true.
My goal when I got treasure was to go to the Nationals and compete in MVA.
I wanted to do it all and I started training her at 8 weeks old.
at 2 1/2 years old we went to the Nationals.
What a ride it was at the ASCA Nationals. After 11 days we are home... We just had a blast, enjoyed every minute of the Show. Starting with Agility. Going on to obedience. Then herding sheep and ducks. Including all the pre shows and the National show competing in confomation. Finally competing for MVA using all of the combined scores in every area to compete for MVA.
I Want to thank all those who made this dream possible.
Thank you, Lila Pharis for all the training and friendship and mentoring in showing/grooming and just giving me the confidence to go on. The beautiful photography taken over the years.
With the help of the Web site. Your time and friendship is never forgotten.
Thank you, Laure' Smith Treasure's breeder for the time preparing and training treasure and Me for The National Agility show and being a good example of discipline/training with your dog Secret. For being the one to run treasure At the Nationals and letting me experience such a great show.. Also for some of my most treasured pictures and memories of my dogs.
Thank you, Jill Crawford for believing in Treasure and me while training us in Agility and moving us up into classes that would challenge us. You are great coach/teacher.
Thank you, Lori for our first puppy classes and Rally O training, especially the clicker training.
Thank you, Ronda for Conformation classes and the grooming class it taught us a lot.
Thank you to others who just stepped over the counter and spent some time sharing information and helping a new showmen.
Treasure: MVA COMPETITION: Treasure did an excellent job.
Placing in the pre shows and in the ASCA National Show.
MVA: Qualifying in Agility , conformation.
Not qualifying herding , obedience.
We unfortunately did not qualify for MVA but we came close.
Treasure placed 40th out of 88 dogs getting a score in MVA and participation ribbon.
For a young dog she really showed her stuff. Lacking just 5 pts to get a qualifying score for the sheep trial and placing in the top 20 in MVA. You must qualify in all 3 areas we qualified in 2 areas.
Agility : Treasure finished all three of her Agility Novice titles. Regular, Jumpers, and Gamblers.
Receiving 14 Q Ribbons.
Highlights: 1st Gamblers, 4th jumpers and 8th Regular at the National show.
She really delivered only missing 2 out of all of her runs all week in the pre-show and the National show.
Obedience: competed well but did not qualify .. But sadly we went down on our long sit.
Conformation for MVA : Qualified with a high score of 97.5 well done for a girl completely out of coat.
ASCA 2008 Nationals Las Vegas, NV.
Agility Novice
ASCA 2008 Nationals Standards Title 8th place
ASCA 2008 Nationals Jumpers Title 4th place
ASCA 2008 Gamblers Title 1st Place
ASCA 2008 Nationals in Las Vegas NV.
Obedience Trial
Treasure in Open Obedience
ASCA 2008 Nationals in Las Vegas NV
Herding Sheep Started
Treasure going out for the 3rd time to gather these very difficult sheep .....
I said go!! and finally they went the rest of the run was very good.
Treasure completed the course with out a hitch.
ASCA 2008 Nationals & Pre Shows
Country Ways Secret Treasure CD RE
Hidden Treasure Tiger Lily
4 Months old at ASCA 2008 Nationals
4th place Puppy bitch Blue Merle
Lily Treasure Daughter 4 Months old Showed in the Pre Shows and the Nationals shows
She took 4th in the National show and 2nd in the CASC pre show
Lily on a table showing
Treasure and Lily : Mother and Daughter
ASCA Nationals 2008